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Wednesday 30 November 2011

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Nas Draws Painting Live On Stage While Performing "Made You Look." Auctions It Off For Children With Cancer Charity For $14,000 [Video]

Video After The Jump

Nas pulled double duty Thursday night (December 1) while in Miami for the 2011 Art Basel event. The Queens MC painted a picture of a man smoking a joint while at the same time performing his hit song "Made You Look."

The painting was for charity and was later auctioned off for $14,000 to photographer Rashid Johnson.

 "Wow, that's the first time I sold art in my life," Nas told the crowd. "That's incredible... and if this can help money go to some charity then this is a beautiful thing. This is what this is about. Children with cancer, that's a real cause."

Beyonce 20/20 Interview: Singer Talks Editing Her New DVD, Pregnancy Cravings & More [Video]

Video After The Jump

Beyonce may not be able to perform right now due to her pregnancy, but she is still hard at work nonetheless. The singer sat down with Katie Couric on ABC's 20/20 Friday (December 2) to talk about the editing work she did for her new DVD "Beyonce: Live at Roseland." The DVD includes some rare footage of a young Beyonce performing before the fame.

"I just cringe when I see those old clips, but they're so endearing... so charming. I said 'I have to put this in here as embarrassing as it is,'" she said laughing.

Bey also reveals why she chose the MTV Video Music Awards to announce her pregnancy.

"News that's that big it's hard to hide and keep to yourself," she explained. "I felt so liberated and I felt like I can breathe and be happy. It was a beautiful feeling. I went straight off the stage and just cried. I hugged my mom, I hugged Jay and just cried."

The pop star goes on to talk about her pregnancy craving and the wild rumors surrounding them.

"I also read that you like ice cream with hot chili sauce," Couric said. "Yeah, that's very strange," responded Beyonce.

"Is that true?" Couric asked. "No it is not. I was on a plane and the flight attendant came and was like, 'I have your hot sauce and pickles and bananas.' I was like, 'That is absolutely disgusting, what are you doing?' He's like, 'I read it on the Internet.'"

Peep the full interview below courtesy of MWP.

Monday 14 November 2011

Miraculous: Motorcycle Stuntman, Denis Borges Survives Crash That Sent Him Flying 80 Feet Through The Air [Video]

Video After The Jump

Some people are just born lucky.

Motorcycle stuntman Denis Borges survived a scary crash at Brazil's "Extreme Show" that was being held at Beto Carrero World last month. After watching the video you'll be wondering how.

Borges and his partner Anderson Sanches were performing a maneuver that required them to ride at full speed while avoiding three oncoming cars. Borges misjudges the distance between the vehicles and clips one of them sending him flying 80 feet through the air. After he landed he slid an additional 40 feet.

According ABC News, Borges was rushed to a nearby hospital and miraculously came away without any injuries. He reportedly was back at work the next day.

The drivers are professionals who already have more than 10 years experience and rehearse their maneuvers on a daily basis,” Beto Carrero World said in a statement to ABC. “‘It was a really scary accident, but it also served to show how extreme the show is.”

Check out the video below.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Khloe Kardashian Heads To The Gym Without Makeup [Pics]

27-year old Khloe Kardashian stepped out to the gym Thursday (December 1) without makeup or hair extensions. The reality star and wife of NBA player Lamar Odom looked almost unrecognizable.

It was a rare moment, as the Kardashian sisters are rarely ever seen out in public without their hair and makeup perfectly in place.

Khloe talked about their love for makeup with XOJane back in September.

"We joke and we say we are like trannies because we love hair and makeup," she said. "I don’t think we necessarily need it, but we love it. But Kim, definitely, if you take off what’s on her face, her face is the exact same. She doesn't need it -- it's just like a mind thing to her. She really doesn’t need any of that on her face."

After the latest pic surfaced of her without makeup, Khloe took to Twitter to address any haters that have a problem with her looks."Some people are so stressed trying to be perfectly flawless.... but I'm so HAPPY to be perfectly flawed," she wrote on the social networking site. "Haters are like crickets; they make a lot of noise you can hear but you never see them, then you walk right by them and they're quiet."
 What's your take on the pics?

Monday 7 November 2011

"Jersey Shore" Star DJ Pauly D Teams Up With 50 Cent [Video]

Video after the break...

"Jersey Shore" star DJ Pauly D celebrates record deal with 50 Cent and label-mates Lea, Hot Rod and Governor at party in New York.

Thursday 3 November 2011


   In life, we are face with so many challenges.and one of the basic or tought challenge we are being face with is achieving of goals in life.Goals can also be called dreams or visions.and every human being right from a tender age, have a dream or goals he/she would like to achieve in life.Life is a journeywith many turns and corners.and we all should be aware that our decision leads us to the right path, in life to achieve our dreams.
   u know yourself more than everyother person knows u,and that is a thing u should keep at the back of your mind.u can examine, and detect if u are truely heading to the right path of ur dream in life,cos every human, have an in-built guilder,and thats your conscience.the conscience is the number one person that tells u when u deviating  from the right path of life.U can always know if u are still on the right track, to achieve your goals in life. if your conscience is in approval, of the decisions u make in achieveing your goals.
    Another way to detect if u are on the right path to your dreams in life is seeing yourself, practising that particular thing u want to be. and deriving total joy from it.some people, haven't take out time to ask theirself what they really want in life and these people,sometimes copy or imitate friends in doing whatever they do in life,without considering if that is their calling in life, or if, they are gifted in such things.such people cant go too far or have success in doing what they are not gifted at.
    The midst or group u find yourself in life, also helps you know if u are really heading towards the right path of your dream, or if u are deviating towards another direction in life.we all are familiar, with this saying "birds of same  feather,flock together"and in a real sense, that is true. because the group u walk with also influence u in a big way. for example: what would a medical doctor, be doing in the midst of hooligans.?it is not possible becuase, they dont match, and they dont share same vision in life. so being in the the midst of people that share same vision and goal with u in life, also shows that u are on the right lane.  ALWAYS STAY FOCUS! GOD BLESS U!

Wednesday 2 November 2011


The word focus can be said to be paying total attention to something,while focus in life is acknowledging where u coming from and knowing where u are going in life.I want u all to understand that every soul have its purpose for existence,and the decisions we make in life,goes a long way in telling our end from our start. many people blaim destiny for their failures in life.but in a real sense of it,destiny have nothing to do with our failures and setbacks.the defination of destiny is simply the end point of everything or person.And we all should know that our efforts determines how our result will be like,that is to say that how we start in life, detects how our end(destiny) will look like.When i say how we start in life,i simply mean the kind of decisions  we make or take in our daily life.Our decisions play a major role in influencing our lifes, cos after all said and done,we turn out to be those decisions we made.A journey of 5yrs, starts from a step,and a great destiny,starts from a very first decision.I dont know what kind of decisions  u take in life,but what we all should know is that our decisions determines where we will be placed in the society,cos there is a place for everyone in the society.great efforts get great rewards. i hope u all stay focus and great! God bless ya'll.